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A big ‘thank you’ from me as well as all your Dunedin interclub squash mates to Tamati and the team of the Otago University Squash Club for the special and impressive night they put on in hosting the 2016 Dunedin Interclub Prize-giving. It goes without saying that they know how to ‘party’ but they showed us all their expertise in hospitality and how to put on ‘a show’. From the extra little gifts, awards, games and musical interlude – it truly was a night to remember. Your playing efforts on the court over the season (4 championship winners; 3 runner-ups; 3 round-robin winners; Cableway’s winner) made you the 2016 Dunedin ‘Top Club’ – your efforts on Friday night made you ‘Top Hosts’.
Photos from the night over on the Otago Uni Facebook Page. Comments are closed.