Welcome!The place to find out about squash in the Otago region. From our 13 clubs and casual play to tournaments, news, interclub and photos. Squash NZ CalendarSubcribeSign up below to receive our weekly update:
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Squash New Zealand is undertaking a national survey to learn more about the experience of those that currently play or have played squash previously. This survey is designed to provide us with information to enhance the experience of those currently playing squash and help design initiative to grow and promote squash. We would appreciate if you could take the time to complete the survey by clicking HERE. To encourage everyone to get typing, we have a number of incentives.
For all individuals you go into the draw to win the return travel costs to any national event or 1 of 5 Dunlop Hyperfibre XT Rev Pro Racquet as used by Double world champion Ali Farag valued at $270. For clubs we have 5 prize packs of 4 dozen Dunlop balls ( 3 Pro and 1 Competition) and 3 Dunlop I-Armor Protective glasses (total RRP value is $520). These will be awarded to the three clubs with the highest percentage of members who completed the survey and two clubs with the most juniors who completed the survey. Thank you for your time in helping to enhance squash in New Zealand Facebook link: (2) Facebook Website link: https://squashnz.co.nz/news/index.cfm?content_id=5226 Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CS8B5-9JuNC/ Comments are closed.