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Upcoming Squash New Zealand Working Groups
Are you keen to make a difference for Squash in New Zealand? Squash New Zealand are about to launch 4 new projects to help progress the sport going forward, and we need people who have the passion to help the sport and can add value! We are after volunteers for each project who can commit to remotely meeting monthly for around some months, this may also require small work between meetings. If you are keen to get involved in any of the 4 projects, please apply here by 30 April: Squash in New Zealand working groups application See more information on these projects below: 1) SQUASH NATIONAL PROMOTION WORKING GROUP The purpose of the working group is to recommend national promotions for Squash that primarily can be introduced into 2022. Read the full Terms of Reference here: Squash National Promotion Working Group 2) DEVELOPMENT OF A 2030 SQUASH FACILITY STRATEGY WORKING GROUP The purpose of the working group is to develop a 2030 facility strategy and plan that prioritises and future proofs clubs and courts so they are modern and/or fit for purpose, and affordable, efficient, and sustainable to upkeep. Read the full Terms of Reference here: 2030 Squash Facility Strategy Working Group 3) REVIEW AND UPDATE SQUASH IN NEW ZEALAND LEVY MODEL Develop a new levy model that is fully integrated between Districts and Squash NZ and is incentive based resulting in clubs clearly understanding the high value they receive in return. Read the full Terms of Reference here: Review and update Squash in New Zealand Levy Model 4) COMPETITION REVIEW GROUP To provide advice on, and assistance with, reviewing the current competition framework to find solutions to ensure Squash New Zealand events are fit for purpose. Read the full Terms of Reference here: Competition Review Group Comments are closed.