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Entries are light for the 2016 Super Champ Eliminations and without the support of Central Otago and the Otago University Clubs, there wouldn’t be an event at Otago District level. This is disappointing especially as these events are usually the highlight of any squash players career. The Otago University Men’s ‘B’; Alexandra Women’s ‘C’ and Wanaka Men’s ‘D’ Teams will all automatically progress through to the National Competition if they choose to do so. There will be a 3 way play-off between Wanaka, Cromwell and Otago University hosted by the Cromwell Club in Men’s ‘C’ Grade. The Otago University will host the ‘E’ Grade where Otago University will play Alexandra in the women’s event and Otago University will host Cromwell in the Men’s. There were no entries in Women’s ‘B’; Women’s ‘D’ and both Men’s and Women’s ‘F’ Grade. A big thank you to those clubs that supported this very important event.
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